martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

1360 - The disability sector calls on the victors to meet needs of this group and not just crisis

The Committee of Representatives of Persons with Disabilities (CERMI)  have requested that the winning parties in the elections and municipal address the social needs of this population and address not only combat the economic crisis.

Speaking to Europa Press, the president of Cermi, Luis Cayo Pérez Bueno, has warned that "the time" that both regional and local institutions "take into account the demands of people with disabilities and develop social rights art, subjective and universal content. "

"Congratulations to PP by the clear victory. Now is the time to not only be in the crisis but that the institutions also take into account social needs, including those of people with disabilities," he asserted leader This confederation, which represents more than four million people who form this collective.

Specifically, has asked that communities with laws "obsolete first-generation" are updated to the reality of this group and adjust the policy to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as it is doing central government.

"It is imperative that leaders have with the association to carry out its policies. You can not govern the scope and despaldas to citizenship", stressed Luis Cayo, adding that the organizations "are active participants in policy," something that, in his view, has been shown with the 'Movement 15M'.

For his part, President of FEAPS, Enrique Galván, has described this new situation as a "stage of opportunity" to promote social policies for the implementation of the UN Convention and to promote opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities can find opportunities for employment, inclusive education or be considered full citizens.

"We want to promote and put the focus also needs to have their family, sometimes living with a significant pressure of needs that hinder their daily lives," emphasized Galvan, who added also that we should promote measures to ensure a decent life for this group with intellectual disabilities, access to leisure, that healing is provided.

Therefore, stressed that politicians and promoters of initiatives to generate a "more inclusive environment in order to achieve a more just and fraternal society"

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